
Pros and Cons of Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

As we go through life, we have to do everything we can to safeguard and protect our health. When we are feeling great, we get to enjoy all the fun and wonder in the world. If, on the other hand, we are facing health challenges we often find we can no longer do...

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Is Podiatry Covered by Medicare in Brisbane?

Medicare Podiatrists in Brisbane Visits to a Medicare podiatrist in Brisbane may be bulk billed under certain conditions. It is up to your GP to provide you with an EPC or Enhanced Primary Care plan before your Medicare eligibility is 'turned-on'.  This funding is...

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Freiberg’s Disease Treatment

Freiberg's disease refers to a painful condition mostly affecting the 2nd metatarsal head. This is the bony 'knuckle' in the ball of the foot behind the 2nd toe. What is Freiberg's Disease? The term is also used when the 3rd or 4th metatarsal bones are affected,...

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Do Custom Orthotics for Plantar Fasciitis Help?

Plantar fasciitis can result when feet suffer significant stress causing moderate to severe pain in the heel. It can affect people who stand throughout most of the day, those who carry extra weight, and also runners. Also, people with very high or low arches are more...

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Is Fasciitis The Same As A Heel Spur?

Is Fasciitis The Same As A Heel Spur? As far as a diagnosis of your pain goes, the answer is usually yes. The two terms are used interchangeably. However, just because you have heel pain, it does not mean that you definitely have a spur. Likewise, many people have...

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Pregnancy and Feet

Pregnancy and Feet Leg and foot pain is experienced by many women during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester.  The most common issues associated with leg and foot pain include plantar fasciitis (heel or arch pain), swelling, varicose veins and cramping.  ...

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Iselin’s Disease

What is Iselin's Disease? Iselin's Disease is pain around the base of the little toe (5th metatarsal).  The pain may radiate down the lateral (outside) of the foot. It is commonly described as a sharp/aching or ‘bruised’ type of pain. This is often associated with...

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Do I Need Orthotics?

How do I know if I need orthotics? People with excessive foot pronation of the feet (also known as fallen arches or flat feet) account for nearly all of the people who need orthotic inserts in order to function well. Only about 5 % of orthotics will be made for high...

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