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Heel Spur Treatment Brisbane

How To Treat A Heel Spur

If you are experiencing pain in the heels of your feet and either has been diagnosed as having a heel spur or believe that this may be the cause of your discomfort then heel spur treatment available right here in Brisbane at Walk Without Pain podiatry clinics.With over 120 years combined experience, our team of nine poidiatrists are fully equipped and ready to deliver the most modern treatments and put the best technologies at our disposal to great effect in assisting you with this incredibly uncomfortable problem. We have 4 clinics and no matter what your schedule is like you will be able to find an appointment time that suits you. We operate Monday through Saturday and offer out of hours appointments for those that cannot make it in during normal work hours.

How Shockwave Therapy For Heel Spurs Treatments Works

In order to alleviate the pain of a heel spur, professional attention is required. A heel spur is basically a hook of bone that is brought about by a build-up of calcium on the base of the heel bone. It isn’t a sudden issue that presents, but rather develops over time and is usually set off by strain brought on the foot, or stretching the plantar fascia. Athletes most commonly suffer from this problem, however, it is something that anybody that jogs, runs or participates in jumping as part of their exercise can develop.

While there are simple solutions available in terms of orthotic inserts that can be customised to reduce the pain and ease the discomfort felt, here at Walk Without Pain we also use extracorporeal

Best Practices Delivered To Ensure Efficient Treatment For Heel Spurs

Here at Walk Without Pain, we specialise in delivering results for patients that have tried and did not get any long-term relief elsewhere. Our dedication to continued learning and development of our services ensures that you are getting treatments that are best practice and cutting edge at the same time. There is no need to leave your life on hold and deny yourself the possibilities of a full life enjoying the things that you currently only wish you could do or participate in when a treatment for heel spurs could make all the difference for your life.

Booking an appointment with one of our podiatrists could enable you to embrace opportunities and give your mental health a welcome boost in the process. So, get in touch with the team here at Walk Without Pain today to secure your treatment and let’s get you walking comfortably into a brighter future. Read More


Heel Spur Treatment Options

Suffering from the pain of a heel spur can be debilitating, and it may have prevented you from doing what you love. At Walk Without Pain, we have revolutionised the treatment for heel spur with our shockwave therapy, and this can bring you the long-term relief that you have been looking for.

As well as this, we can provide orthotics to relieve any symptoms that you may be experiencing.

At our practice, we will treat your heel spur with a method that works best for you. Our experienced podiatrists in Brisbane will diagnose the problem that you are suffering from and design an appropriate treatment plan.


What Does It Feel Like To Have a Heel Spur & What Can Walk Without Pain Do To Help You?

If you have not already been diagnosed with a heel spur, yet suspect you may have one, you can check for the following symptoms:

  • You may see inflammation towards the front of your heel. You may also experience heat coming from the heel.
  • There may be a sharp stabbing pain when you first stand on your feet in the mornings. This may be accompanied by a dull ache through the rest of the day, which could prevent you from carrying on with your normal activities.
  • You may see something beneath your heel, which could look like a bone protruding through your skin.
  • If you try to walk without shoes, you may find it extremely uncomfortable.

The good news is that you do not have to suffer in silence. With heel spur treatment, the pain you are experiencing can be taken away, and you will be given all the support you need.

While it is often athletes and those who are active that can experience a heel spur, it can happen to anyone, and you may be at increased risk when you get older as your soft tissues become more worn with age. As well as this, being overweight and wearing non-supportive footwear may also increase your risk.

At Walk Without Pain, we can provide you with heel spur therapy. This could include our shockwave therapy and the use of orthotics. We create custom-made orthotics so that you can get the relief you need from wearing them. If you are suffering from a heel spur, your podiatrist is likely to suggest an orthotic that takes any pressure off your heels so that you do not experience the unpleasant symptoms.

We also offer your a cheaper orthotic alternative such as prefabricated orthotics, if the cost is an issue.

Along with these options, if you already had orthotics to relieve the pain from your heel spur, we can also offer you our Copythotics. These can be up to 60% cheaper than the price you originally paid for your orthotics in Brisbane, and we can create them to be as hard or soft as you require.


Do Not Let Pain Get In The Way Of Your Life: Seek The Treatment For Your Heel Spur Today At Walk Without Pain

With clinics in Hamilton, Bribie Island, Indooroopilly and Toombul, we provide you with a convenient way to get the treatment for heel spurs you need. Book your appointment online today. Read Less

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