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Ingrown Toenail Removal In Brisbane

Why would I want to have Ingrown Toenail surgery?

Ingrown nails are often infected, bleeding and painful. Although many ingrown toenails can be fixed quite conservatively by a podiatrist, sometimes a more long term solution is required. If an ingrown toenail is the result of a one off thing, for example a nail cutting accident, then one visit to trim out the sharp edge may be all that is required. In contrast, if the underlying cause of the infected ingrown nail is a deformed toenail that cannot be tamed, a permanent solution such as ingrown toenail surgery in Brisbane is needed.

What are the types of Ingrown Toe Nail Surgeries in Brisbane?

Ingrown toenail surgery near Brisbane is known in podiatry as a nail wedge resection. At Walk Without Pain Podiatry Clinics Brisbane, we almost always use chemical to kill a portion of the nail growing cells. This is called chemical cautery and it doesn’t involve cutting the skin or having any stitches. The only wound from the process is a chemical burn about the size of a match head.  The surgery results in a slightly narrowed nail which no longer presses on the edge of the toe causing pain.
The alternative to chemical cautery is a ‘sharp’ procedure such as a Winograd Procedure. This involves cutting the flesh at the base of the nail, curetting or cutting out the nail growing matrix and stitching the wound closed. More information about this can be found on Youtube, searching for the term Winograd.  It is very rarely employed in our clinic.

How is Chemical Ingrown Toenail Surgery Performed In Brisbane Area?

In the chemical surgery, the podiatrist begins by using a local anaesthetic to numb the toe.  The injection is applied to the base of the toe that the surgery is to be performed on.  This is well away from the painful area. Once the toe is numb, a tourniquet is applied.  The podiatrist then uses a very, very fine chisel-like tool, actually designed for use in neurosurgery, to cut through the nail length ways. This is just the nail and not the skin. The section of the nail that has been cut away is then removed. This removal leaves a small pocket under the fold of skin at the base of the nail. A chemical is then applied to this area which kills the nail growing cells. The area is then dressed with antiseptic.  It is not usual to need antibiotics for this procedure. This process requires no stitches and is permanent.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery BrisbaneWhat will my toe look like after Chemical Cautery style Ingrown Toenail Surgery?

It will look roughly like this.  Note the great toe is narrower on both sides of its nail.  The other tell tale sign is the very straight nail edges.  The nail does look a bit different if examined closely.  Happily, a much better look than the infected and bloody toe that lead you to seek treatment.

What is the cost of Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Brisbane?

A single nail wedge resection will cost $340* and covers the procedure as well as the local anaesthetic that will be used to numb the area. If you are having two toenails done at the same time it will cost $550*. As we are podiatrists, the treatment attracts a health fund rebate depending on your level of cover. You can check your rebate by calling your insurer and quoting the item number F 546.  If they do not recognise this code, try F014 or F440.
Please note: Prices listed are subject to change without notice. We recommend contacting our clinic directly at 3256 1006 to confirm current treatment costs prior to your appointment.

Book an Appointment for Ingrown Nail Removal

and Walk Without Pain!

What aftercare is required for a Nail Wedge Resection or Ingrown Toenail Removal in Brisbane

Although there is not usually much pain associated with a nail wedge resection your podiatrist might recommend Panadol for the night of the procedure.  There may be a low level throbbing pain that might wake you. It is recommended that you keep reasonably quiet for the following 12 hours or so. Generally speaking though, it is usually much less painful to have this job done than it is to have an ingrown toenail in the first instance.

Following ingrown toenail removal surgery, the podiatrist will dress the original wound and it is important to keep the dressing dry to avoid infection. Although tricky, it is recommended that the foot be wrapped in either glad wrap or a plastic bag when showering. You should return to the podiatrist after three days to have the pocket of the wound cleared. This allows the weeping from the chemical burn to escape the area.  This does not require anaesthetic and it is not a painful process.  During this consult the podiatrist will teach you how to properly care for the healing wound at home.

If you wish to visit us to discuss your ingrown toenail treatment options, please use our contact page here to contact us by telephone or email, or use our 24 hour booking portal. Read More.

There are few pains more uncomfortable than that experienced when an ingrown toenail has developed on one, or both of your feet. We all would like to believe that the solution is simple, that all we have to do is lift the nail and try to keep it away from the bed of the toe, but no matter how hard a person tries, until the actual toenail is removed, it is just going to get worse before it gets any better. Here at Walk Without Pain, we complete ingrown toenail surgery in Brisbane at our podiatry clinics and bring those suffering from this singularly horrible discomfort and pain relief. We understand just how bad an ingrown toenail can get. Once that nail digs into the bed and takes hold then every single time you even glance your foot, while bare or covered, off pretty much anything, that darting pain that shoots right up through your foot and into your brain is triggered.

It is a horrible sensation and we appreciate that it is no fun at the end of the day, or after a little walk, having to gingerly take off your footwear and perhaps even have to peel your socks off after the wound has been re-opened.

Regain Control of Your Toes

The problem with an ingrown toenail is that it is in the one place that you have the least amount of control over, or sight of, that is, on the ground. You cannot prevent people stepping on your foot accidentally, you cannot stop pets from inadvertently brushing against it and sometimes you will, of course, fall afoul of poor maintenance on pedestrian walkways, all of which leave you in agony and dreading the clean-up job that you know faces you once you get home.

When you seek out ingrown toenail removal in Brisbane at any of our four clinics we know that you will feel a little apprehensive about the process and may even dread the pain of the procedure. However, rest assured that our podiatrists have completed this work on countless occasions for thousands of patients. So, not only have we seen it all before but we have found solutions to even the worst cases.

What you can also expect is a level of care that is focused on alleviating you of the pain and causing you as little discomfort as possible in the process. As such, our allied health team seek to relieve all those suffering without costing them an arm and a leg.

We have decades of experience as a team and with 9 of us working across our clinics you can be sure to find an appointment that suits your schedule from Monday through Saturday. What’s more, even if you work non-traditional hours, out of hours appointments are available. Nobody should suffer from their feet unnecessarily, particularly when there is medical help out there that can alleviate that pressure and pain.


Get The Right Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Brisbane & Walk Unimpeded Once Again

We love what we do here at Walk Without Pain, and we love that sense of accomplishment once the procedure is finished and our patients experience the freedom of being able to move about unimpeded once again. All of our services are considered very affordable in comparison to our competitors and we endeavour to deliver a world-class service that those whose feet stress them out every day can depend on to eliminate pain and use best-practice solutions to achieve this.

So, those that wish to avail of the best ingrown toenail treatment Brisbane has to offer, look no further than the team right here at Walk Without Pain, where the health of your feet is our priority.

We provide bulk bill podiatrist in Brisbane including plantar fasciitis treatment and shin splints treatment. Speak with one of our podiatrists today to find out more.

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