Podiatrists are able to diagnose and treat any conditions related to the lower limb. Below is an example of just a few:
[su_row] [su_column size=”1/3″]- Tinea
- Cracked Heels
- Warts
- Corns
- Calluses / Callouses
- Fungal nails
- Thickened nails
- Toenail rot / nail rot / nailrot
- Lamisil / Loceryl / Terbinafine
- Calmogen / Nailcalm
- Ingrown toenails (including permanent surgical removal)
- Nail wedge resection
- Painful toenails
- Subungal corns
- Sulcus corns / sulci corns
- Foot pain
- Painful feet
- Shin splints/ shin pain
- Neuroma pain / Morton’s Neuroma
- Clawing toes / Claw toes
- Hammer toes
- Mallet toes
- Retracted toes
- Stress fractures
- Metatarsalgia
- Achilles tendon pain / Achilles tendonitis
- Arch pain / plantar fasciitis
- Heel spurs / plantar fasciitis
- Joint pain throughout the foot
- Ankle joint and ligament problems
- Ankle sprains
- All foot and ankle related musculoskeletal pain
- Fallen arches
- Dropped arches
- Rolled in feet
- Pronation
- Flat feet
- Tibial incompetence
- Tibial muscle group strain
- Aponeurosis pain
- Periostitis pain
- High arches / supination
- Bunions
- Blisters
- Footwear Issues –
– Shoes both sports or casual
– Shoe modification / footwear modification - Arthritic Pain Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetic feet / diabetes
- Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus / IDDM
- Non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus / NIDDM
- Ulcers / Foot Ulcers / Diabetic Ulcers
- Pressure sores
- Peripheral Neuropathy,
- Nerve pain
- Nerve entrapment
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Gapping toes
- Splaying toes
- Peripheral Vascular Disease,
- Foot ulcers
- Intermittent claudication
- Knee Pain / patello-femoral pain
- Lateral tracking patella
- Maltracking patella
- Children’s Foot disorders
- Growing pains
- Warts / verrucae / verruca
- Iliotibial band syndome / ITB
- Hip pain
- Buttock pain
- Dimple of buttock pain
- Lower back pain
- Sciatica
- Orthotics / orthotic / orthoses / ‘orthodics’- misspelling
- Pressure relieving padded insoles
- Pressure deflection
- Soft orthotics
- Flexible orthotics
- Narrow orthotics
- Feminine orthotics
- Slim orthotics / slimthotics
- Fashion orthotics
- Cheaper orthotics
- Discount orthotics
- Less expensive orthotics
- Orthotic shoes
- Orthopaedic footwear / orthopaedic shoes
- Pre-operative opinions
- Post-operative care
- Foot injury / foot injuries
- Standing pain / pain standing
- Tired legs / tired feet
- Smelly feet
- Sweaty feet
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